Physical Therapy Services
Conditions We Specialize In
Low Back Pain
Neck Pain
Shoulder Pain
Elbow Pain
Wrist Pain
Hip Pain
Knee Pain
Foot and Ankle Pain
Sprains & Strains
Movement Problems
Parkinson Disease
Balance Problems
Falls / Fear of Falling
Osteoarthritis / Arthritis
Women’s Health / Pelvic Pain
Contact Rochelle for your first steps towards recovery
Services & Pricing
The PT Treatment Program
Step 1: Book an initial appointment online today, OR request a phone call!
10 Minute Phone Consultation
If you are not ready to book an appointment, please send a message and Rochelle will call you to discuss your reasons for reaching out. You will know if we are a good fit, and details on what she’ll be able to do to help. Just over a phone call, you’ll feel confident in your next steps toward feeling better, whether it’s here with Rochelle or if she recommends a different course of action first.
Step 2: Evaluation
60 minute eval - $175
The evaluation is thorough and takes into account all aspects of you and your goals. Depending on the complexity of your current condition, evaluations can be 60 to 90 minutes. The result will be a clear understanding of what is wrong, and what we are going to do to maximize your healing capacity and begin resolving it. It’s my favorite part: where we start peeling back the layers, gaining clarity of your current situation and our plan of attack. The moment you realize the tide will change and you will re-gain control over your life and the activities you love!
Step 3: Follow-Up Visits
60 minutes - $145
Together we will determine the optimal treatment time and frequency to get you rolling with your recovery.
Based on your evaluation we will discuss your prognosis (how quickly and easily you’ll reach your goals), and tailored treatment plan. Just like you would pick up your doctor’s prescription from the pharmacy, there will be a dosage and timeframe, except now the prescription is physical medicine!
Prevention Check-In
90 minutes
Just because you’re not in pain right now, doesn’t mean a PT isn’t right for you. In fact, you are the perfect candidate if you are active, trying to increase your activity, or trying to make sure you do not loose any mobility or function with this fun thing we call aging! We can do a through screen of your flexibility, muscle performance, balance and control, posture and alignment, and body mechanics to make sure you are going into your activities with the best system and ‘tool kit’ possible to prevent injury or pain. If recommended, you will be provided with an individualized program to work with on your own addressing key factors Rochelle identified during your evaluation. Rochelle might also recommend that regular PT visits for a period of time would be helpful. If the self-pay model does not work for you, she will provide you with alternatives or referral option to make sure you get the care you need.
Parkinson’s Evaluation
90 minutes
Whether you have been living with Parkinson’s Disease for many years or were just recently diagnosed, Rochelle will be able to help. You will have a thorough interview about your history of symptoms and medical management, your functional questions and worries, and what your goals are for the near and far future. Rochelle will go through standardized testing with you to identify your current functional baseline compared to your aged-matched peers, and to equip you with the knowledge of how exercise can be medicine for Parkinson Disease to slow down or stop any slips in your abilities
“Rochelle Panichelle is a truly gifted physical therapist, as anyone fortunate enough to work with her will attest. When I migrated back to our home on Maine's midcoast and started a new weekly physical therapy routine with Ms. Panichelle, it was like night and day. The old pain in my hip disappeared. Rochelle set up a new and personalized exercise routine that kept the scalpel at bay: after a month or so of twice-weekly therapy sessions, and seeing steady improvement, I moved to once-weekly meetings: I could hike Dodge Point trails again--and navigate the rocky hillside around our cottage--without pain. After four months of PT with Rochelle, I "graduated" to home PT, using the dozen or so exercises she created specifically for me. To this day, more than a year after I started working with Rochelle, I continue the regular (3 x wk) routine that Rochelle gave me as my "home work." And I'm mobile and still pain free--and a hip replacement is no longer on the horizon. A great therapist sets you up for long-range health long after the formal sessions end. That's Rochelle.”
— Bill